Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Time to catch up!

The Holidays came and went! We were busy visiting the families and enjoying Grace's first Christmas!

Grace Christmas 2007 (10 months old)

The New Year has been good to us! Our jobs are secure and going smoothly. Grace is growing like a weed. January was so busy. I made a trip to Virginia, while Wes and his friend Brian went to the Detroit Auto Show.

My nephew Cameron shooting a layup!

Grace learned to pull herself up and stand, the weekend of Feb. 9th. There has been no stopping her since.
Here is Grace with her friends Adam and Alex.

Sorry this posting is so haphazard, but that is the way it goes some times. Time is flying by and I realized I hadn't done an update in months.
Grace just absolutely adores her daddy. When he comes home from work she is all smiles. DaDa is still her favorite word. Although, Hi is a close second. Ma ma and bye are becoming more frequent.
1st Birthday post coming soon!